Communication and Warning Systems [ Test ]


Creating of operational and technological communication systemson the railways, subways and other objects
of transport and industry infrastructure.



Organization of dispatch and overall technological communicationvia digital communication lines with E1 interface;


Organization of communication between dispatcherswith the unification of dispatching circles and engaging negotiation between dispatchers and subscribers
of united circles;


Organization of tunnel communication via physical lines
of symmetrical copper cable;


Organization of all types of intrastation communication;


Operation in modes such as the executive, regulatory, executive-regulatory stations;


Built-in system of monitoring and administering;


Extension of subscriber capacity by combining equipment via E1 channels.


Loudspeaker warning and communication equipment


Organization of loudspeaker double-way communication, informing and warning of industrial plants, railway stations and other objects of transport and industrial infrastructure.



Loudspeaker warning and communication
in accordance with priorities predetermined
by configuration;


Loudspeaker warning from an external voice informer with priority of program setting;


Broadcasting of pre-recorded messages
on command from the dispatch control panel
or by an external control command;


Control of executive devices using “dry contacts”;


Extension of subscriber capacity and creation
of distributed warning systems by combining equipment via E1 channels;


Organizing of a system of centralized informing, warning and double-way communication;


Built-in system of monitoring and administering.